What is a Fioricet High?

What is a Fioricet High?

One of the key active ingredients responsible for the so-called Fioricet high is butalbital. Butalbital is a barbiturate that’s considered short-to-intermediate acting, and it can relieve symptoms of anxiety, reduce pain, relax muscles and act as a sedative.

There are many neuropsychological effects of butalbital, some of which aren’t clearly understood to this day.

The belief is that the Fioricet high is caused by the fact that butalbital can increase the inhibition neurotransmitters in the brain called GABA.

It can bind to certain receptor sites and ultimately central nervous system activity is depressed. This can lead to what feels like a buzz or to some people possibly a high.

Is Fioricet Addictive?

Although it’s only a prescription headache medication, Fioricet has the potential to cause addiction. If a person follows their prescription guidelines and uses the medication correctly, the risks of addiction are low. However, if someone takes too much Fioricet, they may develop tolerance to its effects. A person with tolerance to a certain dose of Fioricet will require higher doses of the medication to alleviate their headaches.

When a person with tolerance starts to take more Fioricet, possibly by obtaining more prescriptions, they may eventually become dependent on it. In other words, they may feel unable to get through the day without taking Fioricet; if they stop, they will experience symptoms of withdrawal. These symptoms arise because their body has grown accustomed to Fioricet in high doses.

If a Fioricet-dependent person attempts to weather withdrawal alone, it’s likely they will take Fioricet again just to relieve the symptoms of withdrawal. This is a hallmark characteristic of addiction. Anyone who compulsively abuses Fioricet to avoid withdrawal likely has an addiction to Fioricet. Additionally, people with an addiction to Fioricet will experience cravings for the medication which further compel them to keeping using it.

Moreover, the ingredient Butalbital is an addictive substance in its own right. Butalbital can cause someone to get “high” because it’s a Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressant. Since Butalbital is part of Fioricet, it is possible for someone to abuse Fioricet as a recreational drug. At high doses, Fioricet can intoxicate a person in a manner similar to alcohol. People who abuse Fioricet for this purpose have as much of a risk of developing an addiction as they would have if they repeatedly used an illegal drug.

So what does a Fioricet high feel like?

For the most part, it’s likely to feel similar to other central nervous system depressant effects. There is some evidence pointing to the fact that taking Fioricet can feel similar to the effects of drinking alcohol, particularly when the prescription drug is taken at higher levels.

The following are some of the common experiences that people say come along with a Fioricet high:

  • Fioricet can reduce anxiety and some people with anxiety disorders may take it for this reason, although this is not what it’s approved for. There is the potential for Fioricet to decrease feelings of anxiety even when it’s taken at a normal dose, and this is because of the impact of butalbital on GABA. For some people, a Fioricet high is actually just equated with a reduction in anxiety.
  • Depersonalization may be another effect of the so-called Fioricet high, although this isn’t necessarily something people find pleasant. It can lead to feelings of confusion and sluggishness, and this is one of the reasons Fioricet isn’t frequently used
  • Drowsiness and sedation may also be side effects of a Fioricet high, particularly when it’s taken in larger amounts. While Fioricet has a stimulant component which is caffeine when larger doses are taken the central nervous system depressant effects may override the stimulant effects.
  • Some people may obtain a sense of euphoria when taking Fioricet, although it’s not as pronounced as what would occur with something like prescription opioids. As with most other drugs, if someone does experience euphoria with a Fioricet high, it’s likely to dissipate after using the drug a few times as they build a tolerance.
  • While not everyone who takes Fioricet says they experience euphoria, some people say that it does improve their mood. This can be because of the GABA-related effects of butalbital, but also the inclusion of the acetaminophen and the caffeine. There’s also the element of stimulation that can occur with caffeine, so some people may feel this is a Fioricet high when they experience it.
  • Lightheadedness and dizziness are common side effects of Fioricet, and these may also be symptoms that people associate with a Fioricet high.
  • One of the primary reasons people will abuse Fioricet and take high doses is to achieve relaxation, which occurs because of the slowdown of the central nervous system. People who take this drug may feel relaxed and also tranquil. Some of this is because of the loosening up of muscles the drug can stimulate.

Not everyone will associate the use of this drug with the Fioricet high. Some of the factors that determine whether or not a person will experience a Fioricet high can include the dosage they take and their tolerance. Newer users may be more likely to experience what they would describe as the Fioricet high. Other factors that could influence this include the specific formulation of the drug and whether or not other substances are taken with it.

Some people may try to extract the butalbital from Fioricet and remove it from the caffeine and acetaminophen for a greater high.  This is not only drug abuse, but might not even achieve the effects the person is looking for.

It’s important to realize that there can be serious and deadly consequences associated with trying to achieve a Fioricet high. This can include addiction, adverse reactions, brain damage, emotional crashes, and overdose. Since Fioricet has acetaminophen, if people abuse it to get high they may also sustain liver damage or failure.

Fioricet is a combination medication that is used to treat complex tension headaches when other medications have not been effective.

Fioricet is a combination medication used to treat migraines or severe headaches. Learn the uses, effects and how to use Fioricet safely.

  • Fioricet (butalbital / acetaminophen / caffeine) works better and faster in treating tension headaches than the combination of acetaminophen and codeine.
  • Fioricet (butalbital / acetaminophen / caffeine) has a cheaper, generic version.
  • Fioricet (butalbital / acetaminophen / caffeine) does not require dosage adjustments if you have kidney and liver problems.

What is Fioricet?

Fioricet is the brand name multi-ingredient medication that’s used to treat some types of headaches. It’s also available in generic form.
Fioricet contains:

  • butalbital 50mg
  • acetaminophen 300mg
  • caffeine 40mg

It’s FDA-approved to treat symptoms of a common type of headache known as tension headache but is also prescribed off-label for migraine.

Butalbital APAP Caffeine is used to treat tension headaches. Acetaminophen helps to decrease the pain from the headache. Caffeine helps increase the effects of acetaminophen. Butalbital is a sedative that helps to decrease anxiety and cause sleepiness and relaxation.

Butalbital APAP Caffeine has following side effects: Bloated or “gassy” feeling, dizziness or lightheadedness (mild), drowsiness (mild), nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain (occurring without other symptoms of overdose), Bleeding or crusting sores on lips, chest pain, fever with or without chills, hive-like swellings (large) on eyelids, face, lips, and/or tongue, muscle cramps or pain

Butalbital APAP Caffeine can not be taken for a long time, your body may get used to it so that larger amounts are needed to produce the same effects. This is called tolerance to the medicine. Also, butalbital may become habit-forming (causing mental or physical dependence) when it is used for a long time or in large doses. Physical dependence may lead to withdrawal side effects when you stop taking the medicine. In patients who get headaches, the first symptom of withdrawal may be new (rebound) headaches.

Gabapentin Neurontin is a good medicine for Migraine Prevention.

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